Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm sprung

I think I'm pms'ing. I like this dude way too much. Like so much, it almost hurts. The 'I want to talk to him RIGHT NOW and if I don't I'm gonna go crazy' type of way. I want him here with me. Is he good for me? Eh, jury's still out. But my friends love him, he makes me laugh, and he's affectionate in a way that I've always wanted from a dude. There's a lot I could say about him, but right now, I kind of just want to revel in this feeling. It's been a while since I've felt this, and especially when it seems to be at least halfway mutual. Ah, mi vida.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A week left

All of my professors decided to have everything due at the same time. I have two papers due Wednesday, one Friday, and some project stuff that I completely forgot about due next week. It was way more squished together than that, but I got some stuff moved around. I have a lot to do, but I don't know where to start, and when I do start, I get writers block and my thoughts get even more scrambled than when I first sat down. I can't even look at all the facebook statuses like, "I'm done..FOREVER!!" Thanks for reminding me that I still have a week to go. Hopefully my GPA won't completely tank..